SMDG(ShippLanning Message Development Group)协会成立于1987年,由英国、荷兰、德国等十几家码头与公司参加。发展至今已有83个成员单位,包括世界上主要的船公司和码头。SMDG协会被联合国授于负责制定船公司与码头之间业务联系有关的EDI标准报文,因此她具有很高的权威性。中远集团于1993年12月成为SMDG协会的成员。目前中远集团在国际航运业中享有盛誉,已是一个名列前茅的船公司,在EDI应用上已能与国际先进技术接轨。
SMDG (ShippLanning Message Development Group) Association was established in 1987 by the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, more than a dozen docks and companies to participate. The development so far has 83 member units, including the world’s major shipping companies and terminals. The SMDG Association is accredited by the United Nations to be responsible for developing EDI standard messages relating to the business links between shipping companies and terminals and is therefore highly authoritative. COSCO Group became a member of SMDG Association in December 1993. At present, COSCO Group enjoys a good reputation in the international shipping industry and is already a top shipping company that has been able to integrate with international advanced technologies in the application of EDI.