小西湖位于福州西北隅的西湖,自古便有小西湖美称。湖中有开化、谢坪、窑角三屿。湖滨以柳堤和玉带、飞虹、步云等桥相通联,水榭卧波,湖光山色,令游人陶醉。此外,河南许昌、安徽歙县亦有小西湖。 小孤山 位于安徽宿松县东南的长江中,一峰独立,江流至此,湍急如沸。山顶有梳妆亭,半山腰的启秀亭,红墙碧瓦,点缀翠竹绿树中,舟行其下,远望如菡萏出水,近视如芙蓉凌波,晃若仙境。
Small West Lake is located in the West Lake in Fuzhou Northwest corner, since ancient times have a small West Lake reputation. Kaihua Lake, Xie Ping, kiln angle Mishima. Lake embankment with jade and jade, flying rainbow, clouds and other bridges bridge phase, watershed lying waves, lakes and mountains, so that tourists intoxicated. In addition, Xuchang, Henan, Anhui Pixian also has a small West Lake. Xiaogushan is located in the southeast of Anhui Susong County in the Yangtze River, an independent peak, the river here, turbulent, such as boiling. The top of the hill with dressing booths, halfway up the mountain show booths, red tiles, embellished bamboo trees and green trees, the boat line under the Yuanwang, such as water, myopia, such as Lotus Ling Po, Akira Wonderland.