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李××,女,21岁,工人。从77年起在四肢及胸腹出现大、小不等的红色斑块、瘙痒,每年春、夏季发作4~5次,每次需口服强的松一周后斑块才能消散。81年3月21日因荨麻疹又发作前来我处诊治。症见:全身皮肤出现大小不等的淡红色斑块,兼有头晕、失眠、口干咽燥,神疲食少,月经延后、量少,舌淡红、脉弦细。方用逍遥散加味:当归12克、白芍18克、柴胡9克、云苓12克、白术12克、薄荷10克、首乌12克、山药15克、郁金12克、板兰根10克、蜈蚣3条,甘草3克。2剂已,斑块大减,继服2剂,斑块完全消失。为了巩固其疗效,改用归脾汤加减,连服6剂而痊愈。随访3年未复发。 Li X, female, 21 years old, worker. From 77 onwards, red patches and pruritus vary from large to small in the extremities and chest and abdomen. It occurs 4 to 5 times a year in spring and summer, and each time it takes oral prednisone for a week to dissipate plaque. March 21, 81 due to urticaria attack again came to our department for treatment. Zheng Jian: The body’s skin appears pale pink patches ranging in size, combined with dizziness, insomnia, dry mouth, dry throat, weak Shen Shi, menstrual delay, less, pale pink tongue, pulse string. Fang Xiaoyao casual flavor: Angelica 12 grams, 18 grams of white peony root, 9 grams of Bupleurum, Yunxiao 12 grams, 12 grams Atractylodes, mint 10 grams, Shouwu 12 grams, 15 grams of yam, 12 grams of turmeric, Ban Langen 10 grams , 蜈蚣 3, 3 grams of licorice. After 2 doses, the plaques decreased greatly. After 2 doses, plaques completely disappeared. In order to consolidate its curative effect, it was changed to use Guipi Decoction, and even served 6 doses to heal. Followed up for 3 years without recurrence.
我和我们  柴静在《看见》中写道“我们终将溶合难分,像水溶于水一样”。我们每个人在社会中都是其中一分子,但有的人只想到自己,而有的人心里装的是他人和大家。  安徽淮南女大学生“搀扶老人被讹”的事件,为何最终会判女大学生承担主要责任,她又为何在事后说自己被讹?我想,这一切都源于她为保全小我而推卸责任的可笑做法。在事故发生的时候,当事人对所发生的一切想必再清楚不过了。反观马拉拉,一个来自巴基斯坦的17