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随着多媒体的发展和推广,在教学中运用多媒体技术已经越来越普遍,那么在小学数学中运用多媒体技术自然也就是必然的事。多媒体在小学数学中的运用一定要用到要害上,一定要根据教学内容制定最佳使用多媒体技术的时间点和最佳的教学切入点,在运用多媒体教学上一定要做到立体教学、宏观和微观结合教学、图文并茂教学,做到把枯燥的小学数学课堂变成轻松活泼、动静结合、虚实结合的课堂,已到达提升小学生数学学习效率的目的。在小学数学课堂一定要灵活运用多媒体技术,已保证做到激发学生学习主观能动性和营造高效数学课堂教学的目的。本文就是针对如何在小学数学课堂中高效运用多媒体而展开的简单浅析。 With the development and popularization of multimedia, the use of multimedia technology in teaching has become more and more common. Therefore, it is inevitable to use multimedia technology in elementary mathematics. The use of multimedia in elementary mathematics must use the key, we must make the best use of multimedia technology according to the teaching content of the time point and the best teaching entry point in the use of multimedia teaching must be three-dimensional teaching, macro and Micro-combination of teaching, illustrated teaching, so that the boring elementary mathematics classroom into a relaxed and lively, static and dynamic combination of the actual situation of the classroom, has reached the goal of improving pupil learning efficiency. In the elementary mathematics classroom must make flexible use of multimedia technology, has guaranteed to do to stimulate students to learn subjective initiative and create efficient mathematics classroom teaching purposes. This article is a simple analysis of how to effectively use multimedia in elementary mathematics classrooms.