1.常在叶背面或枝干顶端形成孢子叶球,产生孢子囊,用孢子繁殖后代2.茎有明显节和节间,叶小鳞片状轮生,孢子囊密集生长在枝干顶端,成为孢子叶球……木贼纲 Zguisetinae 木贼2.孢子囊着生于叶缘或叶背、汇集成孢子囊堆……真蕨纲 Filicinae3.茎匍匐生长在淤泥中,叶柄很长,二对小叶呈田字型排列,孢子囊有特殊的壳包裹着,成为小坚果状的孢子果……苹科 Marsileacae 苹
1. Spore lobes are often formed on the back of leaves or on top of stems, resulting in sporocysts, which are propagated by spores. 2. Stems have distinct nodes and internodes, and leaf scales are well rounded. Sporangia grow densely on the top of the branches and become Spore leaf ball ... ... Hatch Gang Zguisetinae Equisetum 2. Sporangium was born in the leaf margin or leaf back, pool into a pile of sporangia ...... True fern Gang Filicinae3. Stem creeping growth in the mud, petiole is very long, two pairs of leaflets Was arranged Tian field, the sporangium has a special shell wrapped with a small nut-shaped spore fruit ... ... Pachyrhiza Marsileacae Ping