渤海公司是一个从事海洋石油、天然气勘探开发生产的高风险型企业,有职工总数8600人,年产250万吨原油。为使企业尽快适应对外合作的需要,公司领导确立了“公司发展靠人才、技能人才靠培养”的战略思想。加速培养技能人才尤其是高级技能人才成为我们的当务之急。 一、针对行业特点,多渠道开展高级技能人才培养
Bohai Sea Company is a high-risk enterprise engaging in the exploration and production of offshore oil and natural gas. It has a total number of 8600 employees and an annual output of 2.5 million tons of crude oil. In order to enable enterprises to adapt to the needs of foreign cooperation as soon as possible, the company leadership established the “development of the company rely on personnel, skilled personnel training” strategic thinking. Accelerate the training of skilled personnel, especially high-level skilled personnel has become our top priority. First, for the characteristics of the industry, multi-channel training of senior skilled personnel