
来源 :中德临床肿瘤学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjt111
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Objective:To evaluate the impact of the diameter of SonoVue microbubbles on binding characteristics, including the adhesion rate and stability, of a new contrast agent targeted to choriocarcinoma cells (JARs) in vitro, in order to establish a foundation to explore targeted ultrasound imaging for localization of tumor cell antigens and increase the early diagnostic rate for tumors. Methods:The objects were divided into three groups:the large microbubble group (n=15), the middling microbubble group (n=15) and the tiny microbubble group (n=15). The rosette formation rate was counted. JARs were calcu-lated by flow cytometry (FCM). The targeted contrast agent was prepared by mixing SonoVue microbubbles of different diam-eter with rabbit anti-human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) antibody. The binding rates of the targeted contrast agent to JARs before and after PBS rinse were analyzed. Results:The binding rate was significantly lower in the large microbubble group [(61.7±1.8)%] than in the middling microbubble group [(82.6±4.5)%] and the tiny microbubble group [(91.3±5.8)%] (P 0.05). The binding rates of the targeted microbubbles labeled with fluorescence to JARs were 68.6%, 81.3% and 89.3% in the large microbubble group, the middling microbubble group and the tiny microbubble group, respectively (P< 0.05). Conclu-sion:The binding capacity of the targeted SonoVue microbubbles to JARs is related to the diameter of the microbubble, which is determined by the shaking method before preparation. Modulating the diameter of SonoVue microbubbles may increase the binding rate and stability of targeted microbubbles to JARs, thus to improve the image of JARs.
摘 要 中国特色社会主义法院文化要根植于传统文化的深深沃土之中,全面认识中国传统文化,取其精华,去其糟粕,能动地加以继承、改造和发扬,赋予其符合现代中国国情和现代法律精神的新的意义,从而更好地为我国的法治建设、司法体制改革服务。  关键词 法院文化 传统文化 核心价值观  作者简介:庄辛晓,山东大学法学院硕士,山东省济南市中级人民法院代理审判员;徐欣,山东省胶东调水局。  中图分类号:D920.4
摘 要 加强未成年人法制教育是检察机关参与社会管理创新的重要途径。新形式下,检察机关可以从加强职能部门合力、扩大教育涵盖面、创新教育方式、完善帮教机制、突出教育针对性、拓宽宣传广度等六个方面极构建未成年人法制教育新模式。  关键词 检察 未成年人 法制教育 新模式  作者简介:张俊杰,广州市花都区人民检察院。  中图分类号:D926.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-0592(2012)10-2
Objective:The present study is to compare pharmacokinetics difference of carboplatin by using ultraselection uterine artery with by using peripheral vein in cer
摘 要 本文认为知识产权资产证券化作为知识产权开发与融资利用的新模式,能够帮助解决知识产权项目融资难题,促进知识产权向现实生产力的转化,提高我国社会知识创新能力,加大知识产权保护力度,对我国建设创新型国家、实施知识产权发展战略起到重大的积极意义,应尽早探索推行。  关键词 知识产权 证券化 推行 现实动因  作者简介:高锐,云南省楚雄州委党校教师,硕士研究生,研究方向:知识产权法。  中图分类号:
目的 分析优质护理在高血压脑出血患者健康教育中的实施效果.方法 选取我院收治的80例高血压脑出血患者为研究对象,收治时间为2015年3月至2017年2月,随机分为两组各40例,对照