
来源 :中国教育技术装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songtiger2222
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2013年11月3日,由中国教育装备行业协会主办,四川省教育厅、成都市人民政府承办的第65届中国教育装备展示会新产品、新技术、新成果发布会在成都世纪城新国际会展中心1、2号连接馆二楼会议室举行。发布会由中国教育装备行业协会副会长王长毅主持。新产品、新技术、新成果发布会以推进技术进步、服务教育现代化为主旨,不断让更多的教育用户了解国内外教育技术的最新成果、最新技术和最新理念,在服务参展企业的同时,不断促进供需双方信息交流、产品推介、开拓商机、合作发展。 On November 3, 2013, the conference of new products, new technologies and new achievements of the 65th China Education Equipment Exhibition, sponsored by China Education Equipment Industry Association, hosted by Sichuan Provincial Department of Education and Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, was held in Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center, No. 1, No. 1, 2nd Floor, Annex Hall held. The press conference was chaired by Wang Changyi, vice president of China Education Equipment Industry Association. New products, new technologies, new achievements conference to promote technological progress, modernization of service education as the main theme, and constantly allow more education users to understand the latest achievements of domestic and foreign educational technology, the latest technology and the latest ideas in the service exhibitors at the same time, Continuously promote the exchange of information between supply and demand, product promotion, business development, cooperation and development.
目的:构建含沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia trachomatis,Ct)血清型D型外膜蛋白2(outer membrane protein 2,Omp2)167~434位氨基酸编码基因(omp2)的重组表达载体,在大肠杆菌中表达Omp2
丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C Virus,HCV)是丙型肝炎的病原体.乙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis B Virus,HBV)是乙型肝炎的病原体.机体感染HCV或HBV后容易发展称为慢性肝炎,常导致肝硬化
实验中的科学:  玩具汽车之所以滑动是因为受到了细绳牵引力的作用,而这种牵引力又来自于小提桶和水的重力。  我们不断地向小提桶中加水,小提桶和水的重力变大,细绳的拉力也增大,玩具汽车受到细绳上更大的拉力牵引,所以向前滑动的速度就越来越快。
目的:探讨信号转导及转录活化子3(signal transduction and activators of transcription3,STAT3)激活与乳腺浸润性导管癌(breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma,IDC)上皮间质