本刊自刊登罗群老师创编的《儿童健脑操》、《手指跑步》、《手指射击》后,收到不少读者的来信,一是对此表示了浓厚的兴趣,二是询问有无系统教材。 据悉,此项内容已被国家教委体卫艺司正式列入《全国农村中小学体育补充教材》,今年九月出版发行。 另外《强身健脑手指运动》录像带已正式出版(并已在中央电视台体育频道《电视教练》栏目播出)。需要购买此录像带者,可在本刊邮购。片长120分,定价165元(含邮挂、保险费)。
The magazine published a series of “children brain exercises”, “running fingers” and “finger shooting” compiled by Luo Qun and received many letters from readers. The first one expressed strong interest in the book, and the second asked whether System materials. It is reported that this content has been officially listed by the State Education Commission Wei Wei Division “national rural primary and secondary physical education supplementary materials”, published in September this year. In addition, “fitness brain finger movement” video has been officially published (and has CCTV sports channel “TV Coach” broadcast). Need to purchase this video, can be purchased in the article mail. Length 120 points, priced 165 yuan (including post linked to insurance).