莫斯科专电 说起1938年经济,苏联人喜忧参半:经济改革深化,经济发展速度加快,国民收入和居民实际收入增长率都比前一年高一倍,然而在克服长期积累下来的经济困难上没有突破,消费品供应更趋紧张。 今年,经济改革将向纵深发展,政治改革的具体实施将为经济改革创造有利条件。鉴于改革仍不能配套实施,预料潜力难以充分发挥,还会遇到一些困难。 产值占60%的工业企业1988年已实行完全经济核算。它们的劳动生产率增长率、产值增长率和完成利润计划的情况(分别为6.4%、4.7%和107.7%),都比其他企业好(分别为4.2%、4.5%和106.1%)。今年,经济核算将普及到一切企业;车间、班组和牧
Speaking from the 1938 economy, the Soviets are mixed: deepening economic reforms, accelerating economic growth, and double the growth rate of both national income and real incomes over the previous year. However, there is no breakthrough in overcoming the long-term economic difficulties Consumer goods supply is even more tense. This year, the economic reform will develop in depth and the concrete implementation of political reform will create favorable conditions for economic reform. In view of the fact that the reform can not be fully implemented yet, it is expected that the potential will not be fully realized and some difficulties will be encountered. Industrial enterprises accounting for 60% of the total output have implemented complete economic accounting in 1988. Their labor productivity growth rate, output growth rate and profit-making plan (6.4%, 4.7% and 107.7% respectively) are better than those of other enterprises (4.2%, 4.5% and 106.1% respectively). This year, economic accounting will be popularized to all enterprises; workshop, team and animal husbandry