开放条件下饲养的大白鼠可感染多种体外寄生虫,影响实验动物质量,干扰医学实验结果。为查明鼠群感染现状,我们于1987年2月份对本中心小动物室的大白鼠进行了调查,兹将初步调查的结果报道如下。材料与方法一、供检动物:均系中心普通开放环境下饲养的不同龄封闭群大白鼠。二、检查方法: 1.拔毛法:镊取易感部位被毛适量于玻片上镜检。 2.黑色背景法:颈椎脱臼处死动物,置于黑色纸上(纸的周边用透明胶带从反面将其粘住,留出部分胶面,以防虫体逃散)隔日检查被毛及纸上有无虫体。并收集虫体,以Hoyer氏液制成封片,于镜下进行形态观察。
Rats raised under open conditions can infect a variety of ectoparasites, affecting the quality of experimental animals and interfering with the results of medical experiments. In order to find out the status quo of rat infection, we conducted a survey of rats in the zoarium of our center in February 1987, and the results of the preliminary investigation are reported below. Materials and methods First, the animals for inspection: are the center of ordinary open-mouth feeding environment of different age groups of rats closed. Second, check the method: 1. Plucking method: the tweezers to take the amount of susceptible parts of the microscope on the glass microscope. 2. Black background method: cervical dislocation of animals were killed, placed on black paper (the periphery of the paper with a transparent tape from the reverse side of its sticky, leaving part of the plastic surface to prevent the escape of parasites) the next day to check the coat and paper Insects. The parasites were collected and encapsulated with Hoyer’s solution. Morphology was observed under microscope.