乘东风与时俱进 铸大业开拓创新——安钢集团改革发展纪实

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安钢集团2002年销售收入跨越80亿元大关,实属不易。作为国有老企业,安钢在计划经济年代为国民经济和社会进步都做出过巨大贡献。在一段时期里,安钢因各种原因一度陷入低谷,在困难面前,安钢人没有却步,他们借助上级政府的优惠政策,依靠自己的聪明才智和“自力更生,开拓创新,顽强拼搏,勇于献身”的企业精神,一步一个脚印,创造了主要经济技术指标再创历史新水平的辉煌成就。采访中,安钢干部职工的自豪感溢于言表,企业的凝聚力、向心力随处可见,到处充满生机和活力。安钢神奇的发展速度和其独特的经营决策堪称“安钢现象”、“安钢旋风”。追溯安钢成功之路,剖析“安钢现象”之因是我们的追求所在。安钢的发展轨迹将为我们提供许多有益的借鉴。 Anyang Iron and Steel Group sales in 2002 exceeded 8000000000 yuan mark, it is not easy. As an old state-owned enterprise, Anyang Iron and Steel made great contributions to the national economy and social progress in the era of planned economy. For a long time, Angang got into a downturn for a variety of reasons. In the face of difficulties, Angang did not stop. With their preferential policies, they relied on their own intelligence and talents to “make their own efforts, innovate, fight hard and devote themselves to dedication ”The entrepreneurial spirit, step by step, has created a major economic and technical indicators to a new historical record of brilliant achievements. In the interview, the pride of workers and staffs of An Gang Iron and Steel Group was full of pride and courage. Cohesion and solidarity of enterprises were everywhere and full of vigor and vitality. Anyang Iron magical speed of development and its unique business decisions called “Anyang phenomenon”, “Anyang cyclone.” Trace the success of Anyang Iron and Steel, analysis of “Anyang phenomenon” because of our pursuit. Angang’s development path will provide us with many useful lessons.
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