不久前,共和国职位最低的村官,南京市三合区竹镇镇大泉村党支部书记李元龙为全村百姓利益积劳成疾,因病去世。出殡当日全村数千群众出村数里哭着送别他们爱戴的村支书。 李元龙临终前说:“我一无所有。”是的,若按世俗眼光,李元龙是没有给妻子儿女留下一笔存款。他每月虽然有1200元工资;但大多给村民垫支税款和其他急用了。从他生病住院到去世,群众主动还他的钱有1万多元。他去世后,村里粗略估算,至少还有近万元的欠款在外还没有收回。他家中住的还是20年前盖的房子,除了一台旧的黑白电视机和两张大床外,连个像样的家俱都没有。但当
Not long ago, Li Yuanlong, the village official with the lowest posts in the Republic and secretary of the party branch of Daquan Village in Zhizhen, Nanjing, Sanhe District, Nanjing, became the poor and died of illness due to illness. On the day of the funeral, thousands of people in the village cried out and cried out the village party secretary they loved. Li Yuanlong said before his deathbed: “I have nothing. ” Yes, according to the secular vision, Li Yuanlong did not leave a deposit to his wife and children. Although he has a monthly salary of 1,200 yuan, but most of the tax payments to the villagers and other urgently needed. From his sick hospital to death, the masses take the initiative to return his money more than 10,000 yuan. After he died, the village roughly estimated that at least 10,000 yuan of arrears had not been recovered yet. He lives in a house that was built 20 years ago, except for an old black-and-white TV set and two large beds, even a decent piece of furniture. But when