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本文以组织支持理论为基础,以团队心理安全感为中介和权力距离为调节,基于一个被调节的中介模型探索了包容型领导对员工创新行为的影响机制。通过对67家企业的468套领导—员工配对问卷调查,研究结果表明:(1)包容型领导对员工创新行为有显著的正向影响,并且团队心理安全感在两者之间起不完全中介作用;(2)权力距离对包容型领导与团队心理安全感之间的关系存在显著的负向调节效应;(3)权力距离显著负向调节团队心理安全感在包容型领导与员工创新行为之间的中介作用,即:下属权力距离越高,上述中介作用越弱;反之越强。 Based on the theory of organizational support, this dissertation takes the sense of team psychology as the agent and power distance as the mediation, and explores the influence mechanism of inclusive leadership on employee innovation behavior based on a mediated mediation model. Through 468 sets of leadership-staff matching questionnaires of 67 enterprises, the results show that: (1) Inclusive leadership has a significant positive impact on employee innovation behavior, and the team psychological security plays an incomplete intermediary between the two (2) the power distance has a significant negative adjustment effect on the relationship between inclusive leadership and team psychological security; (3) the power distance significantly negatively regulates team psychological security in the inclusive leadership and employee innovation behavior Between the intermediary role, that is: the higher the power of subordinates, the weaker intermediary role; the other hand, the stronger.
五一长假可被“恢复”  明年五一劳动节正休日为5月1日至3日,若在4月28、29、30日请假,即可与4月26、27日两天的周末相连,形成“2+3+3”的8天长假,这样又一个长假诞生!  十一奢华长假诞生  另一个备受关注的十一国庆节,正休日为10月1日至7日,9月28日(星期日)调整为工作日,若在9月28、29、30日请假,即可与9月27日一天的周末相连,形成“1+3+7”的11天奢华长假!