Occult celiac disease prevents penetrance of hemochromatosis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wafh000
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AIM:To report a patient with C282Y homozygocity,depleted body iron and intestinal atrophy caused by celiac disease (CD) who experienced resolution of the enteropathy with subsequent normalization of iron metabolism upon gluten free diet. METHODS:To obtain information on the tissue distribution and quantitative expression of proteins involved in duodenal iron trafficking,we determined the expression of divalent-metal transporter 1 (DMT1),ferroportin 1 (FP1) and transferrin receptor (TfR1) by means of immunohist-ochemistry and real-time PCR in duodenal biopsies of this patient. RESULTS:Whereas in hereditary hemochromatosis patients without CD, DMT1 expression was up-regulated leading to excessive uptake of iron, we identified a significant reduction in protein ana mRNA expression of DMT1 as a compensatory mechanism in this patient with HH and CD. CONCLUSION:Occult CD may compensate for increased DMT1 expression in a specific subset of individuals with homozygous C282Y mutations in the hemochromatosis (HFE) gene,thus contributing to the low penetrance of HH. AIM: To report a patient with C282Y homozygocity, depleted body iron and intestinal atrophy caused by celiac disease (CD) who experienced resolution of the enteropathy with subsequent normalization of iron metabolism upon gluten free diet. METHODS: To obtain information on the tissue distribution and quantitative expression of proteins involved in duodenal iron trafficking, we determined the expression of divalent-metal transporter 1 (DMT1), ferroportin 1 (FP1) and transferrin receptor (TfR1) by means of immunohist-ochemistry and real-time PCR in duodenal biopsies of this patient. RESULTS: Whereas in hereditary hemochromatosis patients without CD, DMT1 expression was up-regulated leading to excessive uptake of iron, we identified a significant reduction in protein ana mRNA expression of DMT1 as a compensatory mechanism in this patient with HH and CD. CONCLUSION: Occult CD may compensate for increased DMT1 expression in a specific subset of individuals with homozygous C282Y mutations in the he mochromatosis (HFE) gene, thus contributing to the low penetrance of HH.
目的 :探讨耐多药脊柱结核的临床特点和治疗方法。方法 :回顾分析总结该院 1997年 3月~ 2 0 0 0年 3月收治的 8例难治性脊柱结核的临床表现、病理、病程和治疗特点 ,以及药物
步兵中,火力最凶狠的当属重机枪。  与单人就可以携带操作的轻机枪相比,重机枪一般至少需要两人协同操作,它是步兵中当之无愧的王者。不论是重量,体积,射速,射程,火力持续性,都是其它步兵武器难以比拟的。即便是自动榴弹发射器开始普及的今天,重机枪工事仍是阵地防御战中,最重要的火力支撑点之一。  建军80年来,我军重机枪从全部缴获到仿制,再到自行开发,从中小口径发展到中大口径,高射、速射兼备,走过了一条不
Published by The WJG Press and Elsevier Inc.,PO Box 23451 Beijing 100023,China Fax:+86-(0)10-85381893 E-mail:wjg@wjgnet.com http://www.wjgnet.com The World Journal
无论世界多么精彩,我们的视线其实永远聚焦在中国兵器上,“爱之深意之切”之情,决不亚于对中国足球。  从猜测多年的歼-10终于正式亮相开始,2007年有了不少令人兴奋的消息:被称为“中华神盾”的170舰出现在中俄联合军演上;装有垂直发射系统的新型导弹驱逐舰,还有双体穿浪导弹艇……而引起大家最广泛兴趣的则是“中国有能力制造航母”这句话。  这些都已经是过去的成绩了,那么未来呢?  这期的题目其实并不严