巴塞罗那奥运会最大的胜利者是中国。这条沉睡多年的龙在慢慢苏醒。——西班牙《国家报》熊熊燃烧了16天的第25届奥运会圣火熄灭了,来自所有国际奥委会172个成员及以个人名义参赛的南斯拉夫运动员终于在五环旗下团聚在巴塞罗那。这是1976年以来奥林匹克大家庭的首次大团圆,用萨马兰奇的话来说,这是“一届和平的,友好的奥运会”。 16:259,中国选手在本届奥运会上获得的金牌与其总数相比,虽然与中国人口与世界总人口之比尚显得十分不相称,但连外电也不否认,中国体育进展之神速,中国走向体育强国之雄心,已令世界瞩目。8年前在洛杉矶,我国在恢复合
Barcelona’s biggest winner of the Olympic Games is China. This sleeping dragon has been slowly awake. - Spain’s Naziono blazed a flame of 16 days at the 25th Olympic flame, and 172 members from all the IOCs and Yugoslav athletes, all participating in the personal event, have finally reunited with them in Barcelona. This is the first happy reunion of the Olympic family since 1976, and in the words of Samaranch it is “a peaceful and friendly Olympics.” 16: 259, compared with the total number of gold medals won by Chinese athletes in this Olympic Games, although the ratio of China’s population to the total population in the world is still disproportionately large, it is not even denied by the foreign players that China’s sports have made rapid progress and China has moved ahead The ambition of a sporting power has attracted worldwide attention. Eight years ago in Los Angeles, China was reuniting