在淮南职业技术学院成立一年之后,《淮南职业技术学院学报》创刊了。这是淮南职业技术学院发展史上值得庆贺、纪念的一件大事,它不仅为全院师生的学术交流提供了园地,有利于促进学院的教育科研,也表明淮南职业技术学院在办学水平和管理水平方面有了新的提高。在此,我代表市政府,并以我个人的名义,向《淮南职业技术学院学报》的创刊表示热烈的祝贺! 淮南职业技术学院虽是一所年轻的高等职业技术学院,但却是一所有着较长办学历史的企业学
A year after the establishment of Huainan Vocational and Technical College, “Journal of Huainan Vocational and Technical College” was founded. This is Huai Nan Vocational and Technical College in the history of the development is worth celebrating, a memorable event, which not only for academic exchanges between teachers and students to provide a garden, is conducive to promoting the Institute of Education and Research, also shows that Huainan Vocational and Technical College in the school level and management There has been a new level of improvement. Here, on behalf of the municipal government and on my own behalf, I’d like to extend my warm congratulation to the start-up of the Journal of Huainan Vocational and Technical College! Although Huainan Vocational and Technical College is a young higher vocational and technical college, it is a A long history of running a business school