
来源 :中国健康心理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZuoLuo
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目的:了解高原涉核官兵健康素养及影响因素,旨在为加强涉核官兵自我健康管理提供参考依据。方法:方便抽样选取来疗养的165名高原涉核官兵为研究对象,以孙琦研制的《军队基层官兵健康素养状况调查问卷》为基础,根据涉核官兵的工作性质增加了核辐射防护技能等相关内容,组成高原涉核官兵健康素养调查问卷,以该问卷为工具对研究对象进行健康素养调查。结果:①165名高原涉核官兵中,有50人(30.3%)具备健康素养;②高原涉核官兵健康信念树立及健康行为养成较好,健康技能及健康知识掌握欠缺,官兵健康素养各维度均分由高到低依次是健康信念、健康行为、健康技能、健康知识;③不同年龄、涉核时间、学历、职别、生源地和婚姻状况的高原涉核官兵所具有的健康素养不同,年龄大、涉核时间长的官兵健康素养好于年龄轻、涉核时间短的官兵(X~2=6.9275,8.3593;P<0.05);军官好于士官(χ~2=4.1978,P<0.05);已婚好于未婚(χ~2=4,5408,P<0.05);生源地为城镇的好于农村的(χ~2=5.2272,P<0.05);全日制本科以上学历好于大专及中学学历官兵(χ~2=7.1058,P<0.05)。结论:多数高原涉核官兵不具备健康素养,其健康素养受多种因素影响,相关部门应加大对高原涉核官兵的健康教育及指导力度。 Objective: To understand the health literacy and its influencing factors of officers and soldiers involved in the work of the plateau in order to provide a reference for strengthening the self-health management of the officers and men involved in the war. Methods: Convenient sampling of 165 plateau-related nuclear officers and soldiers were selected as research objects. Based on the questionnaire of health literacy status of grass-roots officers and soldiers of the army developed by Sun Qi, nuclear radiation protection skills were added according to the nature of the work involving the nuclear-armed officers and soldiers Related content, to compose the health literacy questionnaire of the officers and soldiers involved in the plateau-related diseases, and use the questionnaire as a tool to conduct the health literacy survey of the research object. Results: (1) Among 165 officers and soldiers involved in the plateau, 50 (30.3%) had health literacy; (2) the officers and soldiers of the plateau-related nuclear medicine set up healthy beliefs and well-behaved behaviors; their health skills and health knowledge are inadequate; The average scores from highest to lowest are healthy beliefs, healthy behaviors, health skills and health knowledge; ③ The health literacy of plateau-related nuclear officers and men of different age groups involved in nuclear, education, occupation, origin and marital status are different, The health literacy of officers and soldiers who were older and involved with the nuclear for a long time was better than that of the soldiers who were young and had a short lead time (X ~ 2 = 6.9275,8.3593; P <0.05) ); Married better than unmarried (χ ~ 2 = 4,5408, P <0.05); students were better than rural in urban areas (χ ~ 2 = 5.2272, P <0.05) And secondary school officers and soldiers (χ ~ 2 = 7.1058, P <0.05). Conclusion: Most of the plateau-related nuclear officers and soldiers do not have the health literacy, and their health literacy is affected by many factors. Relevant departments should increase their health education and guidance on the officers and men involved in the work of the plateau.
目的 编制适合高原部队官兵特点的健康教育需求调查问卷。方法 以《军队健康教育方案》规定的内容为理论基础,采用健康教育及部队健康教育课程文献回顾、基层高原部队健康教