全国卷(川、陕、滇等地区用) [试题解说] 2005年四川、陕西、云南等地区的全国卷以“忘记和 铭记”为话题,体现了立意的价值取向积极向上,关注人的 品德修养,体现“以文育人”的精神。 一个健康向上的人,应当是需要铭记许多不能忘记的 事情,而又能忘记许多不必铭记的事情的。考生完全可以 从甲乙的故事中领悟出这一“命题意图”。尤其是甲说的, “写在沙地上,是希望大风帮助我忘记;刻在石头上,是希 望刻痕帮助我铭记。”启示我们像这样的好朋友打了自己 一拳的事就该“忘记”,不应记仇,而好朋友救命之恩却不 能忘记,必须永远“铭记”。 “忘记和铭记”这个话题所涉及的范围非常广,小至个 人身边的小事,大至国家民族的大事。“有许多事情是可以 忘记的,有许多事情又是需要铭记的。”古今中外这样的事 例举不胜举,
The national volume (for Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hebei, and other regions) [Explanatory Notes] In 2005, the national volume of Sichuan, Shaanxi, Yunnan and other regions took “Forget and Remember” as a topic, reflecting the positive value orientation of the concept and paying attention to human morality. Cultivation, embodies the spirit of “educating people through literature”. A healthy person should always remember many things that cannot be forgotten, but can forget many things that do not need to be remembered. Candidates can fully comprehend this “propositional intention” from the story of A and B. In particular, A said, “Writing on the sand, I hope that the wind will help me forget; on the stone, I hope that the nick will help me to remember.” It’s a sign that we should punch ourselves like a good friend like this. “ ”Forget“, we shouldn’t take revenge, and good friends can’t forget to save forgiveness. We must always ”remember". The topic of “forgetting and remembering” covers a very wide range of topics, from small things to individuals, to national events. “There are many things that can be forgotten. There are many things that need to be remembered.” There are countless examples in ancient and modern times.