
来源 :北京交通大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:annybill1984
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列车牵引计算在铁路运营工作、设计新机车车辆或在铁路新线设计、旧线改造以及信号布置等方面都有广泛应用。长期以来铁路牵引计算工作一直存在着极其烦琐,工作量过大的问题,造成任务与时期,人力间的突出矛盾,特别是进行多种方案的牵引计算技术经济比较,矛盾尤为突出。因此把电子计算机运用到铁路牵引计算中来,对铁路现代化有着重要意义。本文着重论述了按现行牵引计算规程,以速度作为自变量,利用本程序及输入的机车牵引力数据、机车车辆阻力数据及有关经验公式和制动计算有关数据、线路纵断面数据及牵引计算规程的要求,将所要求的结果分别区段按坡段顺序采用表格形式进行宽行输出,并可按计算要求,用改变少数几个输入参数和数据的方法,对各种情况及牵引方案进行比较,完全达到计算任务需要的精确度。本程序经过铁道部组织在济南铁路局济南——兖州区段,上海铁路局上海——蚌埠区段进行牵引试验,结果表明与列车运行实际基本相符,并已在铁道部第二、四设计院,上海铁路局开始试用。 Train traction calculation in the railway operations, the design of new rolling stock or in the design of the new railway line, the reconstruction of old lines and signal arrangements are widely used. For a long time, there has been an extremely cumbersome and overworked workload in the calculation of railway traction. This has resulted in prominent contradictions between tasks and periods and between manpower. In particular, there has been a remarkable contradiction between the technical and economic aspects of the traction calculation of various schemes. Therefore, the application of computer to railway traction calculation is of great significance to railway modernization. This article focuses on the current traction calculation procedures, the speed as an independent variable, the use of the program and the input locomotive traction data, rolling stock resistance data and the relevant empirical formula and brake calculation data, line profile data and traction calculation procedures Requirements, the results of the requested section of the respective sections of the slope according to the order form using wide-format output, and according to the calculation requirements, with a few changes in a few input parameters and data methods to compare a variety of situations and traction programs, Accurately meet the needs of computing tasks. This procedure is conducted by the Ministry of Railways in the Jinan-Yanzhou section of Jinan Railway Bureau and the Shanghai-Bengbu section of Shanghai Railway Bureau. The results show that it is basically in line with the actual operation of the train and has been approved by the Ministry of Railways in the second and fourth design institutes , Shanghai Railway Bureau began trial.
|编辑同志: 今年春汛开始,吕泗渔场生产秩序比较混乱.一则由于风多、雾多,各种作业渔船的生产工具容易损坏;二则一些流动作业渔船故意损伤定置作业船的生产工具,割网衣、砸
方德植(1910年- ),厦门大学教授,擅长几何学、数学教育. 早在童年时代,方德植就喜爱心算,他能迅速地口算出两位整数的加法和两位整数与一位整数的乘法.读小学后,算术成绩尤
科学研究往往从观察个别现象入手,逐步探索,发现规律,归纳出新的结论. 数学中也有这样的例子. 让我们从几个有趣的“怪”运算谈起,体验一下探索的过程吧. Scientific resea