随着新生儿救治水平的提高,早产儿尤其是极早早产儿和超低出生体重儿的存活率明显提高,导致支气管肺发育不良(BPD)的发病率逐年增加,BPD已成为早产儿,尤其是小早产儿最常见的呼吸系统疾病之一。肺泡发育受阻是导致BPD发生的重要原因,研究肺泡发育受阻机理及促进肺泡发育的干预措施是BPD研究的热点,选择合适的BPD动物模型是BPD基础研究获得有意义的研究结果的关键。基于此,本文总结及评价了几种常见的BPD动物模型造模方法及其产生的相应病理生理学改变,以期对BPD的发病机制、病理生理和防治对策的研究选择动物模型提供依据。“,”With the development of treatment, the survival rate of premature infants has signiifcantly increased, especially extremely premature infants and very low birth weight infants. This has led to an increase in incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) year by year. BPD has been one of the most common respiratory system diseases in premature infants, especially the small premature infants. Arrested alveolar development is an important cause of BPD. Therefore, the mechanism of arrested alveolar development and the intervention measures for promoting alveolar development are the focuses of research on BPD. Selecting the appropriate animal model of BPD is the key to obtaining meaningful results in the basic research on BPD. Based on above, several common methods for establishing an animal model of BPD and the corresponding changes in pathophysiology are summarized and evaluated in order to provide a reference for selecting the appropriate animal model in studies on the pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and prevention and control strategies of BPD.