Peng Zhizhong stone (magnesium Nigeria stone) is a new mineral, in addition to Sn, Al, Nigerian found in the past are based on Fe, Zn-based, and this time found in Hunan Anhua, is the magnesium terminal mineral. Minerals for the tripartite crystal system, P_ (3m1), a_0 = 0.5692nm, c_0 = 1.3782nm. The crystal chemical formula is: Mg_2 (Zn, Fe, Al) _2 (Sn, Fe) _2 (Al, □) _ (10) O_ (22) (OH) _2. On the fully automated X-ray radiometer, 443 single crystal independent diffraction intensity data were collected for structure calculation, R = 0.10. Structure along the c-axis oxygen into the ... ABCACB ... Closely packed. Cations fill tetrahedral and octahedral partial voids in the form of ... OT_2OT_1OT_0 .... Finally, the crystal structure and crystal chemistry of Nipponite-Al-Mafic-Talfite series minerals are discussed.