安德鲁·法斯托的名字听上去没有本·拉登名气大,但他制造的轰动和影响却毫不逊色于本·拉登。在颓丧的华尔街人士的心目中,安德鲁·法斯托代表的是一个有关美国式自由经济和完美会计制度神话的终结,而本·拉登则摧毁了美利坚大陆的另一个神话:安全。 从罪名的复杂程度上,这位前安然公司CFO(首席财务官)恐怕要远比本.拉登令人瞠目得多。美联社11月1日称:导致安然公司崩溃的安德鲁·法斯托,被控诈骗、洗钱、串谋等78项罪名,是多个计划的主谋。如果罪名成立,他可被判入狱几百年。
The name of Andrew Fasto sounds like no great Osama bin Laden, but his sensation and influence are no less than Osama bin Laden. In the eyes of the beleaguered Wall Street, Andrew Costor represented the end of the myth of the American-style free economy and the perfect accounting system, while bin Laden destroyed another myth of the continental United States: security. From the complexity of the charges, the former Enron CFO (CFO) is probably far more impressive than bin Laden. The Associated Press said on November 1: Andrew Fausto, who led to the collapse of Enron, was accused of 78 counts of fraud, money laundering and conspiracy. It is the mastermind behind the plans. If convicted, he may be sentenced to several hundred years in prison.