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目的分析1950-2015年奉新县疟疾疫情特征,为疟疾防治提供科学依据。方法对奉新县1950-2015年疟疾疫情监测资料进行回顾性分析。结果 1950-2015年奉新县共报告疟疾43 748例,无病亡病例报告,发病率从1952年325.80/万下降到2014年0病例报告,且2012-2015年连续4年无本地病例报告;高发流行期、控制流行期、基本消灭期、巩固与消除期这四个阶段的发病率呈现显著性下降趋势(χ~2=101 581.94,P<0.001);全县各乡镇场均曾有病例分布,1970年前以边远山区为主,之后主要在平原和丘陵地区;疟疾发病高峰期在夏秋季6-10月,职业以农民为主,16~59岁年龄组疟疾发病较高,男性多于女性(χ~2=3 848.38,P<0.001);疟疾自然传播媒介主要为中华按蚊;疟疾发生和流行的主要虫种是间日疟原虫。结论经过66年防治,疟疾流行得到有效控制,并实现了消除疟疾目标,今后疟防工作重点要加强流动人口和输入性疟疾的监测管理,同时要做好大众健康教育工作,动员全民搞好爱国卫生运动。 Objective To analyze the epidemic characteristics of malaria in Fengxin County from 1950 to 2015 and provide a scientific basis for malaria control. Methods The data of malaria epidemic surveillance in Fengxin County from 1950 to 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Results A total of 43 748 cases of malaria were reported in Fengxin County during 1950-2015. No case of death was reported. The incidence dropped from 325.80 / million in 1952 to 0 in 2014 and there were no local case reports in 2012-2015 for 4 consecutive years. The prevalence of high prevalence, control prevalence, basic extinction, consolidation and elimination of these four stages showed a significant downward trend (χ ~ 2 = 101 581.94, P <0.001); the county townships have had cases Distribution, before 1970, mainly in remote mountainous areas, mainly in the plains and hilly areas; the peak incidence of malaria in summer and autumn from June to October, mainly in the occupation of farmers, malaria in 16 to 59 age group incidence is higher, more men In women (χ ~ 2 = 3 848.38, P <0.001), malaria natural vectors were mainly Anopheles sinensis. The main malaria-endemic species was Plasmodium vivax. Conclusions After 66 years of prevention and control, the epidemic of malaria has been effectively controlled and the malaria elimination goal has been achieved. In the future, malaria prevention and treatment work should focus on monitoring and management of floating population and imported malaria. At the same time, public health education should be well done to mobilize the entire people to do well in patriotism Health Campaign.
(上接本刊2006年第5期400页)2神经上皮性肿瘤广义的神经上皮性肿瘤(neuroepithelial tumors)是指所有起源于神经上皮细胞的一大类肿瘤;而狭义上特指过去通称为胶质瘤(glioma)
Using the U-Pb LA-ICP-MS analysis technique we analyzed geochronological features of detrital zircons from Devonian and Ordovician coarse sandstone in southern