是什么东西吸引了这位在电影电视中总是戴顶紫红色贝蕾帽的元帅?是新中国的神秘感?还是他把世界人口最多的国家当成了自己的研究重点? 我们不得而知。他自己说过,一九五九年访问莫斯科时,漫步在红场,思索着红色苏维埃领导人同他的谈话,他意识到从长远的观点看,世界和平的关键可能在于中国。因而产生了访问这个国家的念头。此时,他已经退休。这位退休的元帅,有志于国际政治、经济、文化问题的研究,而且是战略性的研究。中国的领导人没有拒绝这位无职无权的勋爵,热情地接待了他。当他向毛泽东提出
What attracted the Marshal, always wearing a fuchsia beret in film and television, the mystery of New China, or did he regard the most populous country in the world as his focus? We do not know. He himself said that while visiting Moscow in 1959, he wandered the Red Square and pondered on the talks with the Red Soviet leaders. He realized that in the long run, the key to world peace could lie in China. This gave rise to the idea of visiting the country. At this point, he has retired. The retired marshal, interested in international politics, economy, culture research, but also a strategic research. China’s leader did not refuse this incompetent Lord and received him warmly. When he proposed to Mao Zedong