Le Mans is a town 200 kilometers southwest of Paris, France, gathering tens of thousands of fans each June. In 1923 French duo Duhang and journalist Faou and French manufacturer Coke founded the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France’s racing world. During the period of 1936 and 1940 to 1948, it was suspended for ten times and has now reached the Monaco Grand Prix , The United States of India and Daytona 50 together to become a prestigious world car race. Invitational teams must be invited by the organizers, most of the major European and Asian companies are invited to participate in the competition, so that Le Mans competition between brands in large companies. The team that won the most since 2002 was Porsche (14 times) and the winner was Belgian driver Ix (6 times in total). Because of its long playing time, people call it “the longest day of France in a year.” Over the years most of the vehicles in the Le Mans race did not exceed 60%, 48 of the 2000 participating cars, the last 21 only finished 24 hours. During the competition, three drivers took turns driving a racing car for 24 hours in a row, and the whole race had to run over 5000