旧时歌颂官吏的政绩,多用刻碑的形式,名为“德政碑”,也称“遗爱碑”,大多是乡绅名士借百姓之名,行谄谀之实。据《资治通鉴》,唐代贤相宋景守法持正、刑赏公正, 由广州都督擢任宰相后,听说广州吏民要给他立遗爱碑,便上奏唐玄宗说:“臣在州无他异迹,今以臣光宠,成彼谄谀, 欲革此风,望自臣始。”
Old songs praised the official performance, more in the form of carved inscriptions, called “monument of virtue”, also known as “monument of love”, mostly gentry celebrities by the name of the people, act in stark reality. According to “Zi Zhi Tong Jian”, Tang Dynasty Yinxian Song Jing Shou law and justice, reward and justice, by the governor of Guangzhou after the prime minister, I heard that Guangzhou Li Min to give him a legacy monument, they played Tang Xuanzong said: "Minister No state of his differences, now petitioned as petty, into one hesitate, want to reform this wind, look at the beginning of the minister.