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(1)铲斗和支腿动作迟缓1台GJW111型挖掘机在进行挖掘作业时,铲斗动作突然出现迟缓,并在回收行程的某一点出现卡滞现象,再检查支腿动作同样出现了迟缓现象。分析认为,该故障的原因有五点:一是工作装置液压油箱内油量不足,管路破损或者滤芯堵塞;二是液压泵到操纵阀组之间的溢流阀卡滞;三是操纵阀阀芯移动量过小;四是管路中有空气;五是工作主泵磨损。检查液压油箱和滤芯,未发现油液不足和滤芯堵塞的现象,同时系统中并无空气存在;检查溢流阀阀芯也没有卡滞,检测系统压力为30 MPa。在调整操纵阀阀芯移动间隙后,故障依旧。最后将故障点锁定在工作主泵流量调节机构上。 (1) Bucket and leg movements are sluggish One bucket of GJW111 excavators suddenly appears sluggish during excavation work, and at a certain point of the recovery stroke, there is a phenomenon of stagnation. Then, the leg movements are similarly delayed phenomenon. Analysis that the reasons for the failure of five points: First, the working unit of the hydraulic tank fuel shortage, pipeline damage or filter plugging; second hydraulic pump to the control valve group between the relief valve stuck; third is the control valve Spool movement is too small; Fourth, there is air in the pipeline; Fifth, the main pump wear. Check the hydraulic oil tank and filter, found no shortage of oil and filter plugging phenomenon, while there is no air system exists; Check the relief valve spool is also not stuck, the detection system pressure of 30 MPa. After adjusting the valve spool movement gap, the fault still. Finally, the point of failure is locked in the work of the main pump flow adjustment mechanism.
Hemorrhoids,one of the common anorectal diseases,are characterized by painless rectal bleeding during defecation with or without prolapsed anal tissues.It is un
某公司1台26 t级液压挖掘机在工作了2 000 h后,出现向左回转非常缓慢、向右回转不能正常停止现象。该机回转液压系统原理如附图所示。其主要由回转液压泵(图中未画出)、回转