
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:toofar
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Background/Aims: In France, geographic access to medical care may affect the diagnosis of hepatitis C. The aims of this study were to compare the detection rates of hepatitis C in urban and rural areas after adjusting for distance to medical care, and evaluating the impact of the place of residence on patients’ clinical characteristics. Methods: Between 1994 and 2001, 1938 newly detected cases were recorded in a French population of 1,005,817 inhabitants. Age and sex-adjusted detection rates for 105 inhabitants were estimated for urban and rural areas and for classes of distance to the nearest practitioner. Results: Detection rates were lower in rural than in urban areas [14.1, (95CI: 12.5- 15.7) versus 24.7 (95CI: 23.5- 26.0)] and decreased as the distance to the general practitioner increased [27.0 (95CI: 25.5- 28.4) versus 13.7 (95CI: 12.1- 15.3) for a cutoff value of 1.5 km]. In multivariate analyses, detection rates were only influenced by the distance to general practitioner. Hepatocellular carcinoma at diagnosis was more frequent among rural than among urban patients (adjusted OR=2.28,95CI: 0.97- 5.39, P=0.059). Conclusions: A poorer geographic access to care explained the lower detection of hepatitis C in rural areas. Hepatocellular carcinoma was more frequent in rural patients. It may result from later detection and/or involvement of environmental factors on hepatocarcinogenesis. Background / Aims: In France, geographic access to medical care may affect the diagnosis of hepatitis C. The aims of this study were to compare the detection rates of hepatitis C in urban and rural areas after adjusting for distance to medical care, and evaluating the Impact of the place of residence on patients’ clinical characteristics. Methods: Between 1994 and 2001, 1938 newly detected cases were recorded in a French population of 1,005,817 inhabitants. Age and sex-adjusted detection rates for 105 inhabitants were estimated for urban and rural areas and for classes of distance to the nearest practitioner. Results: Detection rates were lower in rural than in urban areas [14.1, (95CI: 12.5- 15.7) versus 24.7 (95CI: 23.5-26.0)] and decreased as the distance to the general practitioner increased [27.0 (95CI: 25.5-28.4) versus 13.7 (95CI: 12.1-15.3) for a cutoff value of 1.5 km]. In multivariate analyzes, detection rates were only influenced by the distance to general practitioner. Hep atocellular carcinoma at diagnosis was more frequent among rural than among urban patients (adjusted OR = 2.28, 95 CI: 0.97-5.39, P = 0.059). Conclusions: A poorer geographic access to care explained the lower detection of hepatitis C in rural areas. Hepatocellular carcinoma was more frequent in rural patients. It may result from later detection and / or involvement of environmental factors on hepatocarcinogenesis.
知道冯唐这个人,源自读王勃的《滕王阁序》,还有苏轼的《江城子·密州出猎》。王文中,有“冯唐易老,李广难封”;苏词中,有“持节云中,何日遣冯唐”。一文一词,提到冯唐,都把他当作一个伯乐来敬仰。那些怀才不遇的人,期待像冯唐这样的伯乐,就像大旱之望云霓。  近日读《史记·张释之冯唐列传》,不仅看到冯唐作为伯乐的风采,而且看到冯唐刚直不阿的性格,并从而看到文帝的那份雍容大度的人格风范,真可谓受益匪浅。  
神秘的墓地   你听过的版本   如果你忘了自己从哪里来,至少得知道自己要往哪里去,大象就是这样。当大象感到自己时日不多的时候,会在本能的指引下脱离群体,来到一个神秘的地方,孤独地等待死亡降临。这个地点很神圣又很隐秘,大象自己能找而人类却怎么也找不到,这就是大象墓地,墓地里埋藏了千百年来的大象骨骸。   事实是这样的   大象体型巨大,需要摄取大量能量来撑起巨大身躯的正常运作,但是它们又天