今年一月,法国反间谍机构宣布破获一起与大国通敌的间谍案,逮捕了一个在法国生活了二十年,而十五年都在搞间谍活动的“科学家”——“法国国家科学研究中心”的研究员赫洛夫·多贝尔坦。西方人称职业间谍为“鼹鼠”。鼹鼠是一种四爪坚利,性情狡诈的鼠类动物,能以极快的动作设穴隐蔽自身,并以猎取土中的虫类为食。这次落网的多贝尔坦,确实是一只名副其实的善于隐蔽的“鼹鼠”。这只“鼹鼠”是怎样终于落网的呢? 事情要追溯到一个东德军官的叛逃。今年一月十八日傍晚,一个东德少尉军官带着老婆和女儿跑到西柏林一个边防检查站,请求政治避难。获准后,这个叛逃者立即被送往西德某地。由于他交出了从东德间谍机关偷出的一批间谍档案,
In January this year, the French anti-espionage agency announced the escalation of the espionage case with a large country and arrested a “scientist” who spent 20 years in France and fifteen years engaged in espionage - the National Science Center of France “Researcher Holof Dobetan. Westerners call professional spies ”Mole.“ Mole is a four-jaw Kenli, devious cunning rodents, with a very fast action set the hole hide itself, and to hunt for insects in the earth for food. Dobertin, who was arrested this time, is truly a hidden ”mole“. How did this ”mole" finally get caught? It goes back to the defection of an East German officer. In the evening of January 18 this year, a second lieutenant of East Germany took his wife and daughter to a border checkpoint in West Berlin for political asylum. Immediately after his approval, the defector was sent to somewhere in West Germany. Since he surrendered a number of spy files stolen from the East German espionage agencies,