Improve your learning by teaching 以教促学

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  Researchers and educators have been interested in the link between teaching and learning for quite some time. A 1982 study found that tutoring helped both the tutors and the people who studied with them. Also in the 1980s, Jean?Pol Martin, a French teacher in Germany, developed a way of teaching that asked students to teach each other. Martin taught language classes, but he expanded his “Learning by Teaching” method, also called LDL, to include other subjects as well.
  More recent studies have looked at the link between teaching and memory. A 2013 study, which we briefly described in a previous Education Tips, found that teaching had a strong effect on understanding and learning. An important part of the study compared the learning results between people who actually taught a lesson and those who simply prepared but did not teach. “Overall, these findings suggest that when students actually teach the content of a lesson, they develop a deeper and more persistent understanding of the material than solely preparing to teach,” the researchers wrote.
  Scientists have also explored the question of why teaching improves learning. A 2018 study suggests that teaching may help your learning because you have to remember the information you have learned as you continue to teach. Experts call this “retrieval”. The researchers wrote that retrieval practice possibly causes the learning benefits of teaching. The basic idea is that if you want to improve your memory of what you have learned, you have to practice remembering that information.
  The good news is that there are many ways that you can improve your learning by teaching. One way might be to teach your family or friends about something that you are learning. The process of teaching and asking for feedback will help you realize that you may not understand some things as well as you thought you did. That is an important, necessary step in the learning process. Another idea is to imagine yourself describing a lesson to someone, or to write the lesson down. You could even write an email describing what you have learned in great detail. A final idea for those who like technology: You could record videos of yourself teaching information. You could then send the lesson to friends or put it on YouTube or some other social media services.
  1. What do we know about LDL?    A. It was first born in France.
   B. It can only be used in language courses.
   C. It was developed by a researcher.
   D. It was studied by a person who lived in Germany.
  2. What does the underlined word “persistent” in the second paragraph probably mean?
   A. Unique. B. Lasting.
不同的国家有不同的用餐习惯,美国也不例外。美国人用餐喜欢用刀叉,而且他们的用餐方式也是很有讲究的。因此,当美国朋友邀请你一起用餐时,应特别注意他们的用餐习惯。下面,让我们一起来了解一下美国人的用餐习惯吧!  美国的饮食很有趣。他们几乎吃什么都用叉子。而且,用右手拿餐刀超过几秒钟就会被视为进餐举止不良。  美国人的用餐体系是,如果真的有必要使用餐刀,人们要用他们的左手拿叉子,然后割下一片肉或者其他东
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“淑女”之困  在银行工作的魏姑娘皮肤白皙,面容姣好,性格大方。然而,令魏姑娘困惑的是,在婚恋的路上,品貌兼备的她总是和心仪的男子擦肩而过,反倒是身边那几个她瞧不上的矫情“作女”纷纷觅得佳偶。  四个月前,由于系统内轮岗,魏姑娘单位来了一位帅哥。魏姑娘敏感地察觉到帅哥停留在自己身上的目光更多一些,竟有了种恋爱的感觉。这期间,自然也有些不识相的女孩主动去撩帅哥,但在魏姑娘眼里,她们一个个手段粗鄙、吃
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选题来源:上海市长宁区人民检察院  案件类型:帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪  魏某某原本有一个幸福的家庭,父母身体健康,自己和爱人有稳定的工作。可当他将自己的银行卡卖给微信“好友”后,竟因此身陷囹圄。日前,上海市长宁区人民检察院依法以帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪对魏某某提起公诉。  2019年12月的一天,一个名叫“光芒”的微信用户请求添加魏某某为好友,几经寒暄,“光芒”提出想要购买魏某某的银行卡及绑定的手机
低温伤害发生的条件  所谓低温,在法医学上常指危害人体健康的相对较低的环境温度。低温并非一个绝对的温度值,而是一个相对的温度概念。一般来说,温度低于人体舒适温度的环境称为低温环境。18℃以下的温度即可视为低温,但对人的工作效率有不利影响的低温,通常是在10℃以下。在低温环境下,如果人体中心体温低于35℃时,即处于过冷状态。  低温伤害程度往往与地理及环境因素有关,环境温度越低、风速越高、湿度越大,
青春年少爱追梦。那时的他,是那么羡慕文字能化为铅字。尽管工作繁忙,他却笔耕不辍,一篇篇往外寄,可总是泥牛入海。于是,有同事讥讽:“天生不是这块料,何必浪费时间。”  压力如山,他也不明白问题究竟出在哪里,甚至对写作产生了怀疑,动摇、徘徊、彷徨、悲观失望的情绪如同乌云笼罩。  窗外细雨纷飞,他的思绪飞舞。不,决不能轻言放弃。他更加勤奋地写作,一如既往地投稿,该怎样还怎样。一个风和日丽的日子,当地一家
1984年出生的李新南,由于身在军营,交往不便,婚姻大事一直没有解决。于是,他在当地报纸上刊登了一份征婚广告,希望借此收获一份完美的爱情,没想到他由此卷入了一系列绑架、失踪、自杀事件。  所有这些惊心动魄的“剧情”都是看了征婚广告前来应征的一位女性一手自编自导自演的,连身为军官的李新南都一直深信不疑。她从李新南手里骗取了大量钱财后,居然爱上了他,想方设法与他结婚。直到她提出与他结婚,所提供的身份证
名案回眸  上世纪80年代末,中国南方铁道线上,一度出现过新中国成立以来罕见的铁路系列盗抢案。  一伙号称“铁道游击队南下支队”的东北籍歹徒,分别在全国五个铁路局辖下的22个列车路段,肆意盗抢行凶,犯下了令人发指的罪行。歹徒们疯狂作案的嚣张气焰,严重地威胁旅客生命财产的安全。一场围剿“东北虎”的行动,在全国范围打响。  上海警方利剑出鞘,力斩凶顽。当年的“东方神探”端木宏裕,临危受命,挂帅专案组,