古今作家的修辞理论,是我国修辞学遗产中的一宗非常重要的财富。古代作家的修辞论,在已问世的几本修辞学史著中均有评述;现当代作家的修辞论,被系统论及的还较少。本文拟对被誉为中国“文化昆仑”的钱钟书的修辞理论作一初步探索,以求教于大方之家。 钱钟书(1910—1998),字默存,号槐聚,笔名中书君,江苏无锡人。曾留学于英国牛津大学,法国巴黎大学。著名作家、文学评论家,在文学创作和评论两个方面都卓有建树。著有《谈艺录》、《宋诗选注》、《管锥编》、《七缀集》等。钱氏在这些论著中留下了视角独特、精辟深刻、全面而又辩证的修辞理论。古今作家的修辞论发展到钱钟书,可说达到了新的高峰。钱氏修辞理论在中国修辞史上应占重要地位。
The ancient and modern writer’s rhetorical theory is a very important asset in the rhetorical legacy of our country. The rhetoric of the ancient writers has commented on several rhetorical history that has appeared in the world. The rhetoric of contemporary writers is systematically still less discussed. This article intends to make a tentative exploration of the rhetorical theory of Qian Zhongshu, which is regarded as the “Cultural Kunlun” in China, in order to teach in generous families. Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998), the word silent memory, number Huai poly, pen name Zhongjun, Wuxi, Jiangsu. Had studied in the University of Oxford, France, Paris University. Famous writer and literary critic have made great achievements in both literary creation and commentary. Author of “talk about art records”, “Song poetry”, “tube cone”, “seven set” and so on. Qian’s work in these books left a unique, insightful, comprehensive and dialectical rhetorical theory. The development of the rhetoric of ancient and modern writers to Qian Zhongshu can be said to have reached a new peak. Qian rhetoric theory should occupy an important position in the history of Chinese rhetoric.