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党的十五大明确指出:国有企业是我国国民经济的主体,搞好国有企业改革,对建立社会主义市场经济体制和巩固社会主义制度具有极为重要的意义。搞活企业,尤其是搞活国有企业,是我国改革成功的关键之所在。正如江泽民总书记指出的,搞好国有企业,不仅是重大的经济问题,而且是关系到社会主义制度命运的重大政治问题。素有“开发建设中西部的雄师”之称的兵团工一师,在由计划经济向市场经济转轨之时,由于主客观因素的影响,暴露出种种不适应的症状,不少企业陷入了高额亏损的困境。面对各种矛盾和困难的制约,面对西部大开发这个千载难逢的历史机遇和严峻挑战,用科学的态度正确分析这些矛盾和困难的症结,从中寻找解决矛盾、克服困难的方法和途径,是摆在我们面前的一个紧迫问题。鉴于此,本刊特选发《国有建筑企业如何解困》一文,希望能对人们的思考有所裨益。 The 15th National Party Congress explicitly stated that state-owned enterprises are the main body of China’s national economy. Doing a good job in the reform of state-owned enterprises is of great significance to establishing a socialist market economic system and consolidating the socialist system. Invigorating enterprises, especially invigorating state-owned enterprises, is the key to the success of China’s reform. As General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out, doing a good job of state-owned enterprises is not only a major economic issue, but also a major political issue that concerns the fate of the socialist system. The first division of the BING Corps, known as the “Master of Development and Construction of the Central and Western Divisions,” when the transition from the planned economy to the market economy, due to the influence of subjective and objective factors, has exposed various symptoms of incompatibility, and many companies have been trapped. The dilemma of high losses. Faced with all kinds of contradictions and difficult constraints, in the face of the once-in-a-lifetime historical opportunity and severe challenges in the development of the western region, we must adopt a scientific attitude to correctly analyze the crux of these contradictions and difficulties and find ways and means to solve them and overcome difficulties. A pressing issue before us. In view of this, the magazine has specially issued the article “How State-owned Construction Enterprises Solve Difficulties” and hopes to benefit people’s thinking.
丰南市啤酒厂于1996年5月与唐山市自来水公司多种经营公司凿井队签订了一项凿井合同,总造价128259.42元,未经水利局批准即就开工,施工72天,成井深度160. 5m。 1997年4月啤酒厂因该井水含砂量较高,不能满足用水
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上半年黑龙江省生产饲料 1 67万t,除省内市场需求 ,还销往国内 2 56个省市和俄罗斯、日本等2 0多个国家 ,创产值 46 3亿元 ,实现利润 1 41亿元 ,成为我省经济发展的支柱产业
为了推动石油和化学工业的标准化工作 ,国家石化局政策法规司于 2 0 0 0年 1月2 6日召开了石油和化学工业标准化工作座谈会 ,总结去年技术标准工作 ,研究和部署2 0 0 0年度石
高严总经理在国家电力公司创一流工作会议上指出 :“创建一流电力公司是电力工业发展的需要 ,是电力工业深化改革的需要”。提出“创建一流电力公司必须依靠一流的管理 ,取得
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第八期我向读者介绍了通过ISO 90 0 0认证与组织发展的关系 ,以及如何通过认证。根据反馈信息 ,本期向大家介绍获证组织在日益激烈的市场竞争中能够获得良好的经济效益以及组织