16世纪米兰画家洛马佐(Gian Paolo Lomazzo)曾构想了一座“绘画圣殿”:那是一座规模不大的万神殿式神庙,光束从“天眼”倾注,经大理石地面反射把殿内照得亮堂。殿内七座雕像环立,分别是属于土星的米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)、木星的费拉里(Gaudenzio Ferrari)、火星的卡拉瓦吉奥(Polidoro da Caravaggio)、太阳的莱奥纳尔多(Leonardo da Vinci)、金星的拉斐尔(Raphael)、水星的曼坦尼亚(Mantegna)和月亮的提香(Titian),他们是神殿的“掌管者”。他们各具与生俱来的美好情态,但都站立于雕刻着其性格阴暗面的底座上。比如土星画家的米开朗基罗长于思考、特立独行,他底座上则表现了焦
16th century Milan painter Gian Paolo Lomazzo conceived a “painting temple”: it is a small temple of the Pantheon, the light beam from the “heavenly eye” pour, reflected by the marble floor Shine inside the hall. Seven statues are set in the Hall, belonging to Saturn’s Michelangelo, Jupiter’s Gaudenzio Ferrari, Mars’s Polidoro da Caravaggio, the sun’s Leonardo ( Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael of Venus, Mantegna of Mercury and the Titian of the moon, the “ruler” of the temple. All of them have innate goodness, but they all stand on the pedestal carved with the dark side of their character. Such as Saturn painter Michelangelo longer than thinking, maverick, his base is shown coke