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9月17日夜,随着残奥圣火在中国国家体育场渐渐熄灭,北京残奥会圆满闭幕。至此,北京奥运会和北京残奥会两大体育盛会胜利结束了中国之旅。中国实现了“两个奥运同样精彩”的庄严承诺。在两个奥运会上,山东省体育健儿与全世界优秀运动员同场竞技,顽强拼搏,超越自我,充分展示了自强不息、勇于进取的良好精神风貌,取得了前所未有的优异成绩,为国家赢得了荣誉,为山东人民争了光。北京奥运会上,山东夺得5枚金牌、3枚银牌、3枚铜牌,有12人次获得第四至第八名,有2人6次打破4项世界纪录,1人1次创1项奥运会纪录,实现了山东省竞技体育的新突破。在北京残奥会上,山东省有23名残疾人运动员参赛,4人获得金牌,5人获得银牌,3人获得铜牌,2人2次打破2项残奥会纪录,创造了山东参加残奥会以来的历史最好成绩。凯旋归来,运动员们受到了家乡人民最热烈的欢迎。中共山东省委书记姜异康,省委副书记、省长姜大明,省委副书记刘伟等领导代表省委、省政府向向全体参赛运动员、教练员表示崇高敬意,向取得优异成绩的运动员表示热烈祝贺,向参加奥运会有关单位和全省广大体育工作者表示诚挚问候。 On the night of September 17, as the Paralympic Torch was gradually extinguished at the China National Stadium, the Beijing Paralympic Games were successfully concluded. At this point, the Beijing Olympic Games and the Beijing Paralympic Games two sports victory over the trip to China. China has achieved the solemn promise of “two Olympic same splendor”. In the two Olympic Games, Shandong Province athletes and athletes from all over the world competed in the same field, tenaciously worked hard and surpassed themselves, demonstrating the good spirit of self-improvement and courageous progress, achieved unprecedented achievements, won the honor for the country, For Shandong people won the light. At the Beijing Olympic Games, Shandong won 5 gold medals, 3 silver medals and 3 bronze medals, 12 of them won the fourth to the eighth place, two of them broke four world records six times and one of them broke one Olympic record , To achieve a new breakthrough in Shandong Province competitive sports. At the Paralympic Games in Beijing, 23 athletes with disabilities participated in the competition in Shandong Province, 4 of them won the gold medal, 5 won the silver medal, 3 won the bronze medal, 2 of them broke 2 Paralympic Games records and created the Paralympic Games in Shandong History will be the best result since. Triumphant return, the athletes have been the warmest welcome of hometown people. CPC Central Committee Shandong Provincial Party Committee Secretary Jiang Yi Kang, provincial Party committee secretary, governor Jiang Daming, deputy secretary Liu Wei and other leaders on behalf of the provincial party committee and government to all athletes, coaches express their highest respect, to the outstanding performance of athletes said Warm congratulations on the cordial greetings to the relevant units participating in the Olympic Games and the vast sports workers in the province.
本文之所以使用“电脑家用”,而未 取“家用电脑”之流行的说法,实 乃而今随着电脑渐入家庭,此前谓之以“家用电脑市场”已不太恰当,看过以下的一些介绍自然会一清二楚。 全
休闲以来,我除了旅游、写诗之外还有一大爱好,那就是京剧。京剧可说是我的终身伴侣,她已跟随我走过了半个多世纪。和京剧结缘还得从幼年说起。十岁那年我寄住在 Since leis