我的阅读经历(四) 关于理论和学术经典的阅读

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我在《文章五诀》中提出形、事、情、理、典。这个“典”是指经典、典故,特别是理论经典。什么是经典?常说为经,常念为典。经典标准有三个条件:一是达到了空前绝后的高度;二是上升到了理性,有长远的指导意义;三是经得起重复引用,能不断释放能量。由于长期的文化积累与筛选,每个领域都有各自的经典。而更高层次的是理论和学术经典,特别是政治与哲学方面的经典。一般人,特别是文学爱好者常误认为政治、理论枯燥乏味,干瘪空洞,不如文学那样水灵、煽情。这是 I put forward in the “article five tactics” shape, things, love, reason, code. This “Code ” refers to the classic, allusions, especially the classic theory. What is the classic? Often said by the script, often read as a code. There are three classic criteria: one is to reach an unprecedented height; two is up to a rational, long-term guiding significance; the third is to withstand repeated references, can continue to release energy. Due to long-term cultural accumulation and screening, each field has its own classics. Higher levels are theoretical and academic classics, especially those in politics and philosophy. Most people, especially those who love literature, often mistakenly believe that politics and theory are dull and vague. They are not as shrewd and sensational as literature. this is
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