患者男,56岁。因左上腹部包块伴腹痛2年,于1986年6月3日入院。左上腹包块伴间歇性腹痛,曾在本院做B超检查脾肿大并囊性占位,当时拒绝手术出院。包块逐渐增大,食纳差和消瘦,但一直无发热。既往无腹部外伤史。体检:全身表浅淋巴结不肿大。左腹部包块肿大至脐下,内缘超过腹中线,质中等硬,表面光滑,轻度压痛。化验:WBC 86×10~8/L。N0.72,L0.27,E0.10,Hb 105g/L,血小板计数125×10~7/L,胆红质10.2μmol/L。血清球蛋白比值A/G>1。食道吞钡检查未见食管静脉曲张。B超检查睥肿大并囊性占位,脾区探见130mm×107mm大液性暗区,其间有光带隔开。于1986年6月16日在硬膜外麻下行剖腹探查。脾脏中下部内有一囊性肿块为15cm×10cm×7cm和脾门胰尾紧密相连。其余脏器未见异常。手术将胰尾并脾脏切除。切开脾内囊肿呈多房性,壁厚约0.5cm,与脾脏组
Male patient, 56 years old. Due to the upper left abdominal mass with abdominal pain for 2 years, on June 3, 1986 admission. Left upper quadrant with intermittent abdominal pain, had in our hospital to do B-ultrasound and splenomegaly occupying space, refused to surgery was discharged. Mass gradually increased, poor appetite and weight loss, but no fever. No previous history of abdominal trauma. Physical examination: systemic superficial lymph nodes are not swollen. Left abdominal mass swelling under the umbilicus, the inner edge of the abdominal line than mid-quality hard, smooth surface, mild tenderness. Laboratory: WBC 86 × 10 ~ 8 / L. N0.72, L0.27, E0.10, Hb 105g / L, platelet count 125 × 10 ~ 7 / L, bilirubin 10.2μmol / L. Serum globulin ratio A / G> 1. Esophageal barium swallow check no esophageal varices. B ultrasound examination swollen and cystic mass, the spleen to see the large area of 130mm × 107mm dark area, during which there are light separated. June 16, 1986 under epidural anesthesia laparotomy exploration. Spleen in the lower part of a cystic mass is 15cm × 10cm × 7cm closely connected with the spleen and pancreatic tail. No other organs abnormalities. Surgical removal of tail and spleen. Open the spleen within the cyst was multi-chamber, wall thickness of about 0.5cm, and spleen group