在冠心病(CAD)患者的ECG监测中发现,除伴有心绞痛发作的心肌缺血外,还有无痛性的心肌缺血(SMI)存在。其客观指标为ECG J点后80msST段缺血性下移≥1 mm,持续时间≥30ms。因SMI与CAD患者的预后及猝死间可能存在因果关系受到临床医生的关注。现将我院CAD患者Holter监测发现S T段缺血性改变的有关资料摘要报告如
ECG monitoring in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) found that there was painless myocardial ischemia (SMI) in addition to myocardial ischemia with angina pectoris. The objective indicators for the ECG J point after 80msST segment ischemic down ≥ 1 mm, duration ≥ 30ms. The possible cause-and-effect relationship between the prognosis and sudden death in patients with SMI and CAD is of concern to clinicians. Now in our hospital Holter monitoring of patients with CAD found S T ischemic changes in the relevant information summary report