尽管AMD和Cyrix公司卖劲地推出了K6和M2等一系列新CPU,但是Socket 7还是有点强弩之末的味道:尽管电脑玩家们对Intel公司不断升级的游戏有点厌烦,但是面对着更庞大更多功能的软件,又不得不一边叹着气一边勒紧腰带攒足金钱,奔向中关村去买下Pentium Ⅱ。当然,用K6和M2可以继续使用Socket 7插座,但除非你的主板是最新的版本,不然你还得换主板,这种情况下用不用Socket 7插座又有什么关系呢?反正得换主板,就干脆换到底,直接上Pentium Ⅱ得了。目前440BX主板价格还较高,而440LX主板的价格已在千元上下,并且已经比较成熟,用440LX主板配Pentium Ⅱ 233 CPU应该是性价
Although AMD and Cyrix are selling a series of new CPUs such as the K6 and M2, Socket 7 is a bit of a bully: While computer gamers are bored with Intel’s escalating games, they face bigger, more features Software, but also sigh side while tightening their belts save enough money toward the Zhongguancun to buy Pentium Ⅱ. Of course, with the K6 and M2 can continue to use Socket 7 socket, but unless your motherboard is the latest version, or you have to change the motherboard, in which case do not need Socket 7 socket What is the relationship? Have to change the motherboard anyway, Simply change to the end, got directly on the Pentium Ⅱ. Currently 440BX motherboard prices are still higher, and 440LX motherboard prices have been up and down in the thousand, and has been more mature, with 440LX motherboard Pentium Ⅱ 233 CPU should be the price