位于纽约35大道的Museum of the Moving Images最近重新开张。这座典型包豪斯风格、方方正正的建筑建于1920年,最初是作为Paramount Pictures(派拉蒙影业公司)的东海岸制片厂而存在的,可以说是上世纪20年代美国电影制作的重要据点。然而,二战爆发之后,这里由军队占领,先是用于制作军事训练影片,后来被关闭并转化为成政府部门的办公室。成立于1977年的Astoria Motion Pictu re and Television Center基金会决意来重整这座当时已经破败不
Museum of the Moving Images on 35th Avenue in New York recently reopened. Built in 1920, this quintessentially Bauhaus-style building originally appeared as the East Coast studios of Paramount Pictures, arguably the 1920s American movie Production of important positions. However, after the outbreak of World War II, it was occupied by the army here. It was first used to make military training films and was later closed down and turned into a government office. Founded in 1977, the Astoria Motion Picture and Reality Center was determined to restructure the now-defunct