我院自制复方呋乙栓、临床应用治疗非滴虫性阴道炎.由于本品可提高雌激素水平,增强阴道抵抗力,缓解平滑肌痉挛,促使阴道上皮增生,具有显著疗效,尤其适用于老年性阴道炎及对微波、激光等方法治疗后的宫颈修复不全的创面的序贯用药、现作简解.1 处方组成呋喃西林12.5g,已烯雌酚0.15g,盐酸达克罗宁0.5g,氢化可的松0.5g,甘油193g,甘油明胶基质193g,共制100粒.2 制备2.1 制法:取甘油明胶基质置水浴上使其熔化;将呋喃西林、已烯雌酚、盐酸达克罗宁、氢化可的松加到甘油中搅拌均匀,再加入已熔化的甘油明胶基质,充分搅匀后注入涂擦石腊油的阴道栓模具中,冷却后切平、脱模包装即成.分装于透明塑料袋内,置紫外灯下灭菌30min.2.2 甘油明胶基质制备:称取等量的甘油及明胶,明胶中加入适量蒸馏水浸泡后,置已称定重量的容器中,加入甘油后置水浴上加热使明胶溶解并除净水分.
Our hospital self-made compound folic acid suppository, clinical treatment of non-trichomonas vaginitis.Because this product can increase estrogen levels and enhance vaginal resistance, relieve smooth muscle spasm, promote vaginal epithelial hyperplasia, has a significant effect, especially for senility Vaginitis and microwave, laser and other methods of treatment of cervical repair incomplete wound sequential treatment, now for a brief explanation .1 Prescription composed of nitrofurazone 12.5g, diethylstilbestrol 0.15g, dacronine hydrochloride 0.5g, hydrogenation Cortisone 0.5g, glycerin 193g, glycerol gelatin matrix 193g, a total of 100 .2 Preparation 2.1 Preparation method: take glycerol gelatin matrix water bath to melt; nitrofurazone, diethylstilbestrol, dacronine hydrochloride, Hydrocortisone added to the glycerin Stir, then add the melted glycerol gelatin matrix, stir well and then into the vaginal suppository mold coated with paraffin wax, cooled and cut flat, demolding and packaging Serve. Transparent plastic bag, set UV lamp sterilization 30min.2.2 Preparation of glycerol gelatin matrix: Weigh the same amount of glycerol and gelatin, gelatin, add the right amount of distilled water immersion, the home has been set to set the weight of the container, after adding glycerol water bath Gelatin is heated to dissolve In addition to net water.