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一、素质基础 不少从事中长跑训练的少年运动员,由于采用大运动量、大强度、单一的专项训练,且过多地连续参加一些极度激烈的正式比赛,甚至于采用药物刺激,以致于给少年运动员造成身体和心理上(尤其是失败的情况下)不能承受的损伤和压力。使一些很有发展前途的中长跑运动员中途夭折。 要想使少年中长跑运动员将来成为优秀运动员,在少年时期就必须进行全面身体训练,提高与中长跑有关的一般身体素质和专项身体素质。像盖高楼大厦一样,必须奠定牢固的基础。所谓打好牢固的基础,就是指采用跑、跳、投以及其他项目的练习等多种手段来发展运动员机体的速度、耐力、力量、灵敏、协调性、柔韧性等各种身体素质,使运动员的机能得到协调发展,各种机能能力得到全面提高。这些都是少年中长跑运动员将来能否创造优 I. Quality Basics Many young athletes engaged in mid-and-long-distance race training, due to the large amount of exercise, high intensity, a single special training, and too much to participate in some extremely intense formal competition, and even the use of drug stimulation, so that young people Athletes cause untimely injury and stress, physically and psychologically (especially in the case of failure). So that some very promising middle-distance runners die halfway. In order to make the middle and long distance runner become an outstanding athlete in the future, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive physical training in adolescence so as to improve the general physical quality and special physical fitness related to the middle and long distance running. Like a high-rise building, you must lay a solid foundation. The so-called lay a solid foundation, refers to the use of running, jumping, casting and other projects such as the practice of a variety of means to develop the athlete’s body speed, endurance, strength, sensitivity, coordination, flexibility and other physical fitness so that athletes The coordinated development of the functions of various functional capabilities have been fully improved. These are young middle-distance runners in the future can create excellence
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