鸡公山地处豫鄂两省交界处的河南省信阳境内,规划面积27平方公里。这里山清水秀、林木茂密、气候凉爽。历史上曾与北戴河、庐山和莫干山合称为中国四大避暑胜地。1982年被国务院公布为第一批国家重点风景名胜区。 鸡公山开发于二十世纪初,曾有美、英、德、法、俄、日本等23个国家与国内军阀官僚营建的各式别墅数百幢,一度成为洋人享受的乐园。它经历了战乱和各种人为的破坏,大多数建筑年久失修、毁坏严重,杂草遍地、一片荒凉。1981年4月当时任总书
Jigongshan is located in Henan Province at the junction of Henan and Hubei Province Xinyang territory, planning area of 27 square kilometers. Here beautiful, dense forests, cool climate. Historically, with Beidaihe, Mount Lushan and Mogan together as China’s four major summer resort. In 1982 by the State Council announced the first batch of national key scenic spots. Jigongshan was developed at the beginning of the 20th century. There were hundreds of various types of villas built by 23 countries, including the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Russia and Japan, and domestic warlords and bureaucrats. It was once a paradise for foreigners to enjoy. It has experienced war and all kinds of man-made destruction, most of the buildings are disrepair, destroyed, weeds everywhere, desolate. In 1981 April was appointed general secretary