要谈普通话的儿化,得从卷舌韵母er谈起,er的“e”国际音标写为央[],er的“r”并不是普通话的r声母,而是表示卷舌动作。卷舌韵母er也叫卷舌央元音,国际音标写为[],发音时是在发[]的同时把舌头卷起来,不碰着上腭,嘴略张开再略合,就发出这个韵母了。 普通话卷舌韵母的字、词有三类:一类是儿韵字,普通话里er韵字很少,常用字有“儿、而、耳、尔、迩、饵、二、贰”等;第二类是“儿”字组成的儿尾词,就是普通话里有些词的尾巴带上一个
To talk about the melonization of Putonghua, let’s start with the verb vowel, er’s “e” international phonetic transcription as the central [], er’s “r” is not the r initial of mandarin but the verbal movement. Roll tongue vowel er also called roll tongue vowel, the International Phonetic Alphabet written as [], the pronunciation is in the hair [] at the same time the tongue rolled up, do not touch the palate, slightly open the mouth a little while, it issued this Vowels. There are three types of words in the Mandarin language: the first is the rhyming word, and the rhyme is rare in the mandarin. The common words are “children, ears, ears, ears, ears, ears, ears, ears, ears, ears, The class is the ”tail“ of the word ”child", which is the tail of some words in Putonghua