Brazilein inhibits neuronal inflammation induced by cerebral ischemia and oxygen-glucose deprivation

来源 :Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cd21love
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Brazilein is reported to have immunosuppressive effect on cardiovascular and cerebral-vascular diseases. The essential roles of innate immunity in cerebral ischemia are increasingly identified, but no studies concerning the influence of brazilein on the innate immunity receptors have been reported. The present study was designed to investigate the regulation of NOD2(Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2) by brazilein for its protection of neuron in cerebral ischemia in vivo and oxygen-glucose deprivation in vitro. The results showed that brazilein could reverse the elevated expression of NOD2 and TNFα(tumor necrosis factor alpha) elicited by cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. This reduction could also be detected in normal mice and C17.2 cells, indicating that this suppressive effect of brazilein was correlated with NOD2. The results from GFP reporter plasmid assay suggested brazilein inhibited NOD2 gene transcription. In conclusion, brazilein could attenuate NOD2 and TNFα expression in cerebral ischemia and NOD2 may be one possible target of brazilein for its immune suppressive effect in neuro-inflammation. The essential roles of innate immunity in cerebral ischemia are increasingly identified, but no studies concerning the influence of brazilein on the innate immunity receptors have been reported. The present study was designed to investigate the regulation of NOD2 (Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2) by brazilein for its protection of neuron in cerebral ischemia in vivo and oxygen-glucose deprivation in vitro. The results showed that brazilein could reverse the elevated expression of NOD2 and This tumor necrosis factor alpha elicited by cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. This reduction could also be detected in normal mice and C17.2 cells, indicating that this suppressive effect of brazilein was correlated with NOD2. The results from GFP reporter plasmid assay suggested brazilein inhibited NOD2 gene transcription. In conclusion, brazilein could attenuate NOD2 and TNFα expression in cerebral ischemia and NOD2 may be one possible target of brazilein for its immune suppressive effect in neuro-inflammation.
鉴于近来情流感传播迅速,严重危害到百姓的身心健康,特将疫情通报,各位朋友请做好预防措施,以防感染。    初级 疑似型“情流感”    患者:丁岚,女,30岁,机关职员,婚龄7年。  病因:情肠无处诉,寂寞伴孤独,渴望异性关注,有心没胆太苦。  症状:低热状态,萎靡不振,患得患失,对情感剧过分热衷,见到心仪异性两眼发亮,但不敢轻举妄动,靠网上发泄清热解毒。  主述:  我知道自己现在不正常,而且病
如果有机会当歌手,你希望成为哪一类型的歌手?  A.玉女歌手  B.创作歌手  C.性感歌手  D.前卫歌手  A.外表天真无邪、清纯可爱,而且说话柔声细气的女孩就是你爱情路上的宿敌。事实上这种女孩大有可能是假装纯情,万人迷才是她的真正身份,如果你男朋友身边有这样的女子,那就请你小心了。  B.你本身是个没有心计的人,而且更认为有男友便万事大吉,因此那些精明能干、头脑精明的女孩子,就会很容易令你黯
1 在大庭广众下来一个拥抱,或者一个KISS2 两个人在一张床上睡一晚,但除了抱抱、亲亲什么都不干3 选一天为彼此做一顿饭,然后面对面看着对方吃完4 为他写日记,不管会不会,哪