1954年9月27日我由中南军区战士歌舞团调入中央警卫团文工队。文工队由乐队、舞队、歌队共30多人组成,任务是为驻京警卫部队演出,开展连队文娱活动,培养连队文娱骨干,周末参加为中央首长举办的舞会。 一、毛主席鼓励我们“远走高飞”到北大荒去 1958年初,全
Sept. 27, 1954 I was transferred by Central and Southern Military Region Song and Dance Ensemble to the Central Guard Unit. The stationery team consists of more than 30 bands, dance teams and singing teams. Its mission is to perform for the Beijing security forces, carry out company recreational activities, cultivate the backbone of the company’s entertainment, and attend the party hosted by the central leaders over the weekend. First, Chairman Mao encouraged us to “fly away” to the Great Northern Wilderness early 1958, all