
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiqingshuicai
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作者比较研究了采自我国13个省(市、区)14种寄主植物上的80个青枯菌株对3种双糖和3种已醇的作用,并对其中44个有代表性的菌株进行了各种生理和生化特性测定,结果表明我国存在有4种生化型。大部分菌株属生化型Ⅲ和Ⅳ,其分布地区和寄主范围都相当广泛,是我国占优势的生化型。生化型Ⅱ主要分布在马铃薯上,同时在番茄上也有发现。桑菌株绝大部分属生化型Ⅴ,也发现有属于生化型Ⅲ的。有一马铃薯菌株 Po10除能使3种双糖产酸外,还能使甜醇产酸,但它的其他特性与生化型Ⅱ相同,因此把它当作生化型Ⅱ的一个亚型,定为生化型Ⅱ—1。生化型Ⅲ的青枯菌株在氧化海藻糖和肌醇方面、在脱氮作用和耐盐性方面,有明显生理分化。除生化型Ⅱ的菌株外,属生化型Ⅴ的桑菌株和生化型Ⅲ中的龙葵菌株亦适宜于27℃下生长。青枯菌引起含脂石蕊牛奶的酸碱反应似与细菌对乳糖的氧化产酸能力有关,亚洲变种的命名似不能成立。 The authors compared the effects of 80 strains of R. solanacearum on three kinds of disaccharides and three kinds of hexanol collected from 14 host plants in 13 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in China. Forty-four representative strains were studied A variety of physiological and biochemical characteristics of the results show that there are four kinds of biochemical in China. Most strains are biochemical type Ⅲ and Ⅳ, its distribution area and host range are quite extensive, is the dominant biochemical type in our country. Biochemical type Ⅱ is mainly distributed on the potato, but also found on tomatoes. Sang strain most biochemical Ⅴ, also found to have biochemical Ⅲ. One of the potato strains Po10, in addition to being able to acidify three disaccharides, also produces a sweet acid, but its other properties are the same as for biochemical type II, so treating it as a subtype of biochemical type II, as biochemical Type II-1. Biochemical type III of the wort strain in the oxidation of trehalose and inositol, denitrification and salt tolerance, there is a clear physiological differentiation. In addition to the biochemical type II strains, the biotype Ⅴ Sang strain and the biochemical type Ⅲ Solanum nigricans strains are also suitable for growth at 27 ℃. R. solanacearum causes the acid-base reaction of lipid-containing litmus milk to appear to be related to the ability of the bacteria to oxidize the lactate to produce acid, and the designation of the Asian variant may not hold.
七十年代发展起来的一门新兴学科——化学生态学,旨在研究生物与环境,生物与生物之间一切生态行为的化学基础。 1970年,Sondheimer和Simeone,在发表他们的专著《化学生态学