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最近,本刊得到了中央音乐学院附中中提琴教师王绍武的消息,中央音乐学院附中的几位中提琴学生在西班牙刚刚结束的“第十届2008年‘VILLA DE LLANES’国际中提琴-大提琴比赛”中,包揽了参赛组别的冠军,更让人骄傲的是,在青少年组别的最终角逐中,俨然成为了中央音乐学院附中学生之间的竞赛,也就是说在西方的音乐竞技舞台上出现了令人振奋的中国独占的局面。欣喜之余,少年组冠军——梅第扬获得了三场优胜者在西班牙举行独奏音乐会的资格,这个对于一个年仅16岁的少年来说,这份荣誉更加来之不易。大赛的7个大奖,我们的选手就拿走了5个。这些成绩令所有人员激动不已。在众多琴童和琴童家长中对于中提琴还是知之甚少。中提琴事业在中国提琴教学中,是不及小提琴的知名度的,所以中提琴事业发展就自然不如小提琴备受社会关注,从而影响了中提琴演奏人才的挖掘。近年来,随着我国的中提琴演奏者的不断在国内外获得大奖,中提琴突然跃入到我们的视野中,取得了骄人的成绩。由此,记者拨通了王老师的电话,约好了采访时间,届时造访了王老师,谈及了中提琴与他满载而归的学生。 Recently, we got the message of Wang Shaowu, a viola teacher in the middle of the Central Conservatory of Music. Several viola students from the Central Conservatory attached to the “Viola-Cello Competition 2008” at the very end of Spain’s “VILLA DE LLANES 2008” , Taking the champion of the participating groups. Even more pride is that in the final competition of the youth group, it seems to have become a competition among the middle school students of the Central Conservatory of Music, that is to say, in the western music arena Exciting China’s monopoly. Rejoicing, teenager champion - Metyangard won the three winners solo concert held in Spain qualifications, this is a young boy only 16 years old, the honor more hard-won. Seven awards contest, our players took away five. These achievements make all the staff excited. Little is known about the viola among many children and parents. Viola teaching in China is less than the violin’s popularity, so the development of viola natural nature of the violin as much social concern, thus affecting the mining of viola talent. In recent years, as our viola players have won awards both at home and abroad, the viola has suddenly plunged into our field of vision and has achieved remarkable success. As a result, the reporter dialed Wang’s phone call, made an appointment interview, then visited Wang, talked about the viola and his return to full-fledged students.
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据海南岛府城农业试验站吴蕴才同志报导:我们在去年8月,用 1:500及1:1,000倍的敌百虫药液,在田间进行防治粘虫(剃枝虫)试验。结果以0.1%浓度的敌百虫液对剃枝虫的效果好,杀