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农产品价格指数保险对保障农业生产者收益和稳定农产品供给市场具有重要意义,我国农产品价格指数保险仍处于试点阶段,河北省也仅在辛集市开展了原料奶价格指数保险。通过借鉴试点省份的经验,积极探讨适合河北省农产品生产特征的价格指数保险,积极设计适合河北省的价格保险产品。结合河北省的实际情况,提出创新财政补贴政策,健全大灾风险分散体系,建立农产品价格监测统计平台和加强价格保险的宣传等相关建议,以期推动河北省顺利开展对农产品价格指数保险的研究。 The insurance of price index of agricultural products plays an important role in ensuring the income of agricultural producers and stabilizing the supply of agricultural products. The insurance of our country’s agricultural price index is still in the pilot stage. Hebei Province only carried out the insurance of the price index of raw milk in Xinji City. By referring to the experience of pilot provinces, we actively explore price index insurance that is suitable for the characteristics of agricultural products in Hebei Province and actively design price insurance products suitable for Hebei Province. Based on the actual situation in Hebei Province, this paper puts forward some proposals, such as innovative financial subsidy policy, sound disaster risk diversification system, establishment of statistical platform for agricultural product price monitoring and promotion of price insurance, with a view to promoting the smooth development of agricultural product price index insurance in Hebei Province.
摘要:语文课堂教学中,运用信息技术有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生敏锐的观察能力、深刻的思维能力、丰富的想象能力和积极的审美能力,促进学生观察、思维、想象、审美等语文能力的提高,从而优化和提升学生的语文素质。  关键词:信息技术;学习潜力;语文素质  中图分类号:G434   文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-8454(2012)18-0054-02  运用信息技术可