借势登高 提升经济发展层次——九市政府领导畅谈“6·18”

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福建省委书记卢展工指出,“6·18”是一种创新,是一种提升,是一种集聚,是一种合力。它不仅为海峡西岸经济区建设提供项目支撑,沟通着项目、技术、资本、人才,使科技成果成为现实生产力,还为调整优化产业结构,提高产业素质与经济质量做出了积极贡献。借助“6·18”这个永不落幕的平台,福建省各地市委、市政府努力用工作成效推动项目的生成,促进产学研的结合,推进本地区经济结构调整,提高核心竞争力。 Fujian Provincial Party Committee Secretary Lu Zhaogong pointed out: “6.18” is an innovation, an upgrade, a gathering and a concerted effort. It not only provides project support for the construction of the economic zone on the west side of the Taiwan Straits, but also communicates projects, technologies, capital and talents so that scientific and technological achievements can become real productive forces and makes positive contributions to adjusting and optimizing the industrial structure and upgrading the industrial quality and economic quality. With the never-ending platform of “6.18”, municipalities and municipalities in all parts of Fujian Province strive to promote the formation of projects through work effectiveness, promote the combination of industry, academia and research, and promote the economic restructuring in the region to enhance their core competitiveness.
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